Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Tuesday poem #593 : Karl Jirgens : Creamation

for Steven Ross Smith


cream of spinach,
cream of potato,
cream of mushroom,
cream of leek,

cream cream,
cream team,
cream your jeans,
get creamed, dare to cream,
read cream magazine,

in your dreams,
make cream,
stir cream, eat cream,
cream de menthe,
get creamed!

cream-ation for the nation,
cream, cream,
cream, cream,
cream of broccoli,
cream of wheat,
cream of tartar,
sour cream!

sweet cream!
Boston cream,
Bavarian cream,
Devonshire cream,
Hollandais cream,
crème de la crème,
saucy cream,
cognac cream,

creamy wasabi,
cumber cream,
creamy garlic,
rhubarb cream,

creamy custard,
heavy cream,
crème fraiche,
basic cream,
cocoa butter cilantro cream,

cream, cream,
cream, cream,
dare to cream,
cream a dream,
time to dream!
a dream of cream,
sour cream,
creamy cream,
she creams, he creams,
we scream for sweet cream!
cream and sugar,
cream, cream,
cream, cream!
I cream, you cream,
we scream
for whipped cream.         

The police arrive,

          it’s awkward.




Karl Jirgens, Prof. Emeritus, former English Dept. Head (U Windsor), and Chair of the Creative Writing Program (U Windsor), is author of five books (Coach House, Mercury, ECW, Porcupine’s Quill), and is published globally (most recently in Japan). Jirgens founded, edited, published Rampike (an international journal of art, writing, and theory) digitally archived at U Windsor: (https://scholar.uwindsor.ca/rampike/about.html). Jirgens edited two books (on painter Jack Bush, and poet Christopher Dewdney), plus, an issue of Open Letter magazine with Beatriz Hausner. His latest book of short fiction, The Razor’s Edge, was a Finalist for the Forward Prize and earned a Bronze medal for the ELIT awards. See: www.jirgens.org  He recently guest-edited an issue of HA&L magazine. See: https://samizdatpress.typepad.com/hal_issue_fifteen-2/hal-magazine-issue-fifteen2-cover.html His poetry was selected for the anthology Best Canadian Poetry, 2023.

The Tuesday poem is curated by rob mclennan


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