Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Tuesday poem #619 : George Murray : Poets




They bark, the dogs, calling to
one another from their yards,
fences and barricaded thoughts

between. What ideas could they
be transmitting in those yips
let loose at the evening’s edge?

Before the night finally takes
the day by its scruff, shakes it out
like small prey, cracks its spine,

stuffing whipping about, the curs
curse their chains in growls
they fancy are heard as howls.

They seem to have lots to say.
But who except others who speak
their lolling tongue knows what?






George Murray is the author of 10 books, most recently: Problematica: New and Selected Poems, 1995 – 2020. He lives in St. John’s.

the Tuesday poem is curated by rob mclennan


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